Monday, January 19, 2015

January 2015

January Snow
Although we do not get much snow most people think because we are in the Highlands  we will spend half the winter buried under a white blanket, not so, however here are a few shots taken on the 17th of the month

Dawn from the harbour

The heather bed

Snow on the beehives

Paw marks in the snow

Primula "gold lace"



Erica and Cyclamen

Cyclamen coem

This picture was taken on the same day as the above, it might be a bit cool but these bees were making the most of the sunshine, out for a quick fly about, visit the whin (gorse), never mind the snow.
(Air temperature was in the region of 6 degrees) 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

2014 update

The heather bed in the spring

 An access path was constructed on the west side following the line of an old fallen tree (elder) trunk

Flowering in the late spring with  poached-egg plant, Limnanthes douglasii,

The old seat on the bee terrace was replaced with this slightly more sturdier arbour seat

The hives were re-positioned at the front of the terrace rather than at the rear making it easier for the bees and ourselves.
A bit of culture? a mosaic of a salmon on the rock face behind the pulpit

The heather bed in summer with lilies in flower.
Altromerias in flower
Bamboo and acers 

Monarda in flower, coming down the steps from the bee terrace
View looking out of my bedroom window
Not really the garden but a plumbago in full flower in the conservatory.
Marigolds in the front garden between the troughs.

A little  dam constructed on the spring to create a small waterfall